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Trusting Your Motherly Instincts - Navigating the Fine Line

Trusting Your Motherly Instincts - Navigating the Fine Line

Trusting Your Motherly Instincts - Navigating the Fine Line

One of the most incredible gifts of motherhood is your intuition, that inner voice that guides you in making decisions for your children. But what happens when you question whether you're overreacting or not? Let's delve into the art of trusting your instincts while navigating that fine line:

1. Acknowledge Your Gut Feeling: Your instincts are often your subconscious mind processing information. When something feels off, don't dismiss it. Take a moment to acknowledge that gut feeling, even if it seems like a minor concern.

2. Seek Information: If you're uncertain, gather more information. Research or consult a trusted source like a pediatrician or other experienced parents. Being informed can help you make more confident decisions.

3. Consider the Circumstances: Sometimes, the context matters. Think about the situation your child is in and whether your reaction is proportionate. For example, a scraped knee might not require the same level of concern as a high fever.

4. Trust Your Experience: Over time, you'll develop a deeper sense of what's normal for your child. Trust your experience as a parent. If something feels unusual, it's worth exploring further.

5. It's Okay to Ask for Second Opinions: When in doubt, don't hesitate to seek a second opinion from a medical professional or another trusted mom. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can provide clarity.

6. Keep a Parenting Journal: Maintain a journal to record your observations, concerns, and decisions. This can help you track patterns and gain confidence in your parenting choices.

7. Embrace Self-Compassion: Understand that every parent has moments of doubt. Being a little extra cautious occasionally doesn't mean you're overreacting. It shows your deep love and care for your child.

The Power of a Mother's Intuition

I remember during the pandemic when I was home with Bexley and Jamison and I noticed something was "off" with Jamison.  His speech was delayed and he started to have these little "quirks" that I would notice.  At that time he was 2.5 years old and I always assumed that it was because his older sister would do all the talking for him and he never had the chance to truly be independent.  After many failed visits to our local learning center with their prognosis that he was "fine" I kept going and requested an autism evaluation through Nationwide Children's hospital who had a severely long waitlist.  

Jamison finally had his evaluation in February of 2023 and it came back that he does has Autism.  It took me 3 years and the constant back and fourths with different people who told me that there was nothing "wrong" with him to finally get that diagnosis document in my hand.  It proved that I was not crazy like I started to feel when everyone would reject me.  Advocating for my child was soo draining to my mental health but that relief of being proven right lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.

Jamison is currently working with a therapist, being assisted at school and is thriving.  My husband and I are also learning how to speak to our son in a way that works best for him and I am so happy I never gave up on my gut instinct.

Remember, while it's natural to question yourself, your instincts are a valuable tool in your parenting toolkit. They've been honed through countless generations of mothers and are a testament to your love and commitment. Trusting them, even when you worry about overreacting, can help you make the best decisions for your child's well-being.

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