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Return & Exchanges

If you need to return or exchange your purchase, please contact us at for more detailed instructions. 


In order for your item to be eligible for return it must be in its original condition (unused and unwashed). Returns for a full refund must be requested within 14 days of receipt of purchase. Any return requests after 14 days of purchase are eligible for store credit. We must receive the returns prior to processing a refund or credit. 

All returns must be sent to the follow address (if you are using your own shipping label): 

Jamison & Bexley
PO Box 98,
Westerville Ohio 43086


If you received damaged items, please send us a picture of the damage to   

In order for your items to be eligible for a full refund, it must be requested within 14 days of receipt of purchase. Any return requests after 14 days of purchase will be eligible for store credit. 


In order for your item to be eligible for an exchange, it must be in its original condition (unused and unwashed). All exchanges must be requested within 30 days of purchase. All exchanges must be of equal or greater value. Any exchange requests after 30 days of purchase will be eligible for a partial store credit. We must receive the returns prior to processing an exchange or credit.