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Dear Labor & Delivery Nurses

Dear Labor & Delivery Nurses

Dear Labor & Delivery Nurses

You’ve been with me during 4 different deliveries.  Each delivery is different from the last.  Some I cried tears of joy, one I cried tears of grief and another I didn’t cry until much later.  

You held my hand as I received an epidural, as I pushed out my little one and told me I was doing a great job.  You coached me on how to breathe during the contractions and when to push down.  You helped me teach my child to latch on to my nipple. 

You held my hand as the doctor tried to flip my baby and told me I was doing amazing.  You were always a text away when I needed you.  You checked in on me when my baby’s heart rate dropped and brought me the good ice.  You took pictures of my delivery while I was under anesthesia so I could have the birth of my last baby captured.   

You sent me a card after I lost my son, you cried with me as I held his lifeless body. Wiped the tears from my eyes and told me I was strong and I was going to be ok.  You probably cried in the hallway but you were strong for me when you entered the room.

You allowed me to squeeze your hand and say the most disrespectful things to you when my epidural didn't work.  You didn’t take it personally and told me to “push”.  You helped me walk to the bathroom post delivery and never let me fall.  

I was just one of many patients you saw that day, but when you came into my room I could tell that I was the only thing that mattered in that moment. 

You never made me feel like my concerns were not valid, I am one of the lucky ones that get to say that I had an amazing labor and delivery team.  

I am sitting here next to my last baby and wishing there was a way I could repay you all.  Each and every one of you that I have had the honor of meeting.  The ones that made me laugh, the ones that cried with me.  The ones that gossiped with me and the ones that reassured my anxious ass that everything was going to be alright.  You probably don’t realize the difference you make to a mother, to an anxious mother, to a mother who already deals with depression.  

You were my rock when I needed it the most and I thank you.

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