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Won't She Do It!

Won't She Do It!

Won't She Do It!

If you were to ask younger me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said “ I want to be a famous clothing designer and live in New York City.  I want to have one of those dogs that fit in my bag, a rich husband and be the cool aunt my nieces and nephews call when they want something their parents can't afford” 

I am not that aunt.  Nor do I live in N.Y.C.  

In all actuality, I live in the suburbs with the house and chain linked fence.  Have 3 kids, a dog and a one car garage.  Won’t she do it. 

Whenever I am running late and every light I get to is green, I look to the sky and say “Look at God looking out for me, won’t he do it”.  Whenever I find a close parking spot at the grocery store or the mall I say “there goes God again, won’t he do it”. 

I just completed an amazing accelerator program with Goldman Sachs and my business advisor and I were chatting and I said “won’t he do it….actually, no. Won’t SHE do it.”  And it has me thinking, what are all the things I have done.

I have prioritized my mental health and have been in therapy for 2 years, won’t she do it.

I had 4 different child births: one stillbirth, one vaginal birth with no pain medication, one vaginal birth with epidural and one cesarean section with me having to be put fully under anesthesia.  Won’t she do it. 

I have survived trauma and I am able to help others with their healing, won’t she do it.


I am running a successful online children's clothing company AND taking care of my newest baby who is 5 months old at the same time, won't she do it.

I have been working on getting my middle child evaluated for 2 years and finally got it done which resulted in an autism diagnosis EVEN after I was told multiple times that he was “fine”, won’t she do it. 

I am building a relationship with my daughter and being the mother to her that I wanted growing up, won’t she do it.

I am ending generational trauma and providing my children with a stable and loving home, won’t she do it! 

I am loving my husband the way he needs to be loved and not the way I want to love him, won’t he do it.

I am letting go of the “I can do bad all by myself” mentality and asking for help, won’t she do it. 

I am practicing positive habits and surrounding myself with women who want to see me win, won’t she do it. 

I am showing myself love every day and reminding myself of where I came from and where I am, won’t she do it.

I am so proud of the woman I am, have become and the women I will continue to be. 

Won’t she do it. 

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