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How creating a routine saved my sanity during this pandemic

How creating a routine saved my sanity during this pandemic

How creating a routine saved my sanity during this pandemic

What is happening out here in this country?  Like seriously, I dont remember a time in my childhood going through anything like this.  Quarantining in place, 6 foot distance, face masks.  This pandemic will definitely be one to remember.  

As terrible as this all is, as a mother I have to create a sense of normalcy for my children.  After all, they are only 4 and 2.  They dont fully comprehend why they cant hang out with their grandparents, or why they haven't been at daycare in over a month.  It is up to me to put them on a schedule to keep everything consistent in their life.  

Here is our daily time schedule [tentative to weather and temper tantrums]

7a-8a: Wake up mommy and daddy in the most annoying way possible

8a-9a: Daddy feeds the kids breakfast while mommy is in denial that we are still stuck in the house

9a: Daddy goes into the basement to start work | Mommy puts on her teacher hat 

[note that I have not eaten breakfast, but at some point a coffee cup or two is consumed]

9a-11a: Daytime activities: Bexley has a Pre-k work book we work on and Jamison has flash cards with shapes and colors.  When we are not in the "learning mood" we substitute learning with puzzles and coloring

11a-12p: I let the kids watch a little Netflix (Little baby Bum) or Disney+ (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) while I get lunch ready

12p-1p: Lunch Time

1p-2p: Weather permitting, this is the time we try to go for a walk around the block.  Getting the kids outta the house is imperative.  Not only for their sanity...but for mine.  

2p-4p: Quiet time / Nap time.  Bexley is over naps so this is her time to do what ever she wants in her room quietly.  Jamison still loves a good nap so he rests in his bed.  This is also my quiet time to myself.  This is when I work on the business, pay some bills, clean up after lunch or just binge watch a show on Netflix.  Parents need to make time to themselves during the day to just unwind! 

4p-4:30p: Snack time.  Why are little humans so hungry, like All The Time.  I usually do a fruit or yogurt for their snack

4:30p-5:30p: Movie time.  We like to watch a move to wake up from nap time

5:30p-6p: Daddy is done with work and he comes up stairs to work on dinner.  The kids and I finish watching our movie

6p-7p: Dinner Time

7p-7:30p: Family walk around the block or book readings in our room

7:30p-8p: Get ready for bed

8p: Bedtime 

Now, that seems like a lot, but when you do this over and over again for weeks straight it becomes a habit.  The kids are at the point where they just know its nap time or quiet time without me even having to tell them.  Don't get me wrong, Jamison doesn't always sleep during his nap time.  But he does play quietly in his room for those 2 hours.  You don't have to follow this exact schedule but I do highly recommend you create one for you and your kids.  


Let me know how your schedule works out for you and your family!  And hopefully we can get back to our regularly scheduled lives soon enough! 



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