The Negative Test

The Negative Test

Trying to get pregnant is harder than it looks.  I make the joke that it is easier to not get pregnant in your 20's than it is to get pregnant in your 30's.  Here is how the journey is going thus far.

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How to simplify your day to day tasks

How to simplify your day to day tasks

I get asked a lot how I do it all...running my business, maintaining my household and keeping my sanity.  Its all about figuring out what tasks you can simplify and what tasks aren't even that "important".  Take a look at how I do it and what items I use on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

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Good Small Business Practices

Good Small Business Practices

When you are running a business, mistakes are going to happen.  Sometimes those mistakes are avoidable.  Let me give you the heads up on the mistakes I’ve made over the years so you don’t follow in my footsteps. Nothing wrong with making mistakes, its the best way to learn and to be better!

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How I became an Mompreneur

How I became an Mompreneur

Want to know how and why my business came to light?  When did Jamison & Bexley become my fulltime job and what struggles did I face while growing my company?  Check it out and also you can gain access to our exclusive Mompreneur Facebook Group!

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